

Below are the definitions of attributes used by this API.

pod_change_lockoutWill be activated when there has been a change to the number of PeriPods connected to the Pro Controller. Can only be cleared on the Device.Pro Controller
ineffective_control_lockoutWhen set to true, the Controller will go into lockout if 15 dosing cycles of any of the three measurement types (conductivity, temperature or pH) do not move the measured value by at least 0.1 EC, 1°C, or 0.1 pH in the desired direction.Pro Controller, pH Controller
low_ec_lockoutWhen enabled the Pro Controller will stop dosing nutrient solution if the measured conductivity drops below 0.2EC (2CF, 100TDS, 140ppm).Pro Controller
other_lockoutIf either EC or pH has gone into ineffective_control_lockout or low_ec_lockout then the other channel will also be prevented from dosing. Temperature is unaffected by EC or pH lockouts.Pro Controller
These are triggered when an external lockout has been triggered via the Alarm and External Lockout cable. Closed and open refers to the switch that has been activated.Pro Controller
calibration_requiredActivated when 30 days has lapsed since last successful pH calibrations.All devices
pH_high_alarmTriggered when pH measurement is equal to or above the set pH High Alarm setting and Alarms is set to true.All devices
pH_low_alarmTriggered when the pH measurement is equal to or below the set pH Low Alarm setting and Alarms is set to true.All devices
ec_high_alarmTriggered when the EC measurement is equal or above the set EC High Alarm setting and Alarms is set to true.All devices
ec_low_alarmTriggered when the EC measurement is equal to or below the set EC Low Alarm setting and Alarms is set to true.All devices
temp_high_alarmTriggered when the Temperature measurement is equal to or above the set Temperature High Alarm setting and Alarms is set to true.All devices
temp_low_alarmTriggered when the Temperature measurement is equal to or below the set Temperature Low Alarm setting and Alarms is set to true.Pro Controller, Guardian, Guardian Wi-Fi
MONITOROnly shows the actual values/readings from the conductivity, temperature and pH probes. No control action occurs.Pro Controller, pH Controller
CONTROLControl mode monitors the actual readings from the probes and triggers dosing cycles to reach and maintain the measurement values set in the 'Required/Alarms' mode.Pro Controller, pH Controller